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Reducing Building Hours

This Spring 2010 semester, Eva Herzog ’10 and Grace Kung ’10 conducted research on the energy efficiency of individual buildings on Bryn Mawr College’s campus. More specifically, the two students explored ways to reduce certain building hours in hopes of reducing the college’s carbon footprint. The focus on “open buildings” led the two to complete an analysis of Dalton, Cambrian Row, and Gateway. The term “open building” refers to those buildings on campus where temperatures are maintained within a mandated range beyond the capacity of emergency power. With the help of Jim McGaffin and Jerry Berenson, Grace and Eva looked at consumption and one-card access data to determine the following results.


Annual Cost Savings ($)

Annual Carbon

Footprint Reduction (lbs)

Close Dalton for 3 hours



Close Dalton and Gateway for 3 hours



Close Gateway & Cambrian Row for 6 hours



Close Gateway for 8 hours



For a glimpse at there complete work, click here.